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Donate to the National Feeding Program

Make gifts payable to Amelia United Methodist Church

19 East Main Street
PO Box 189
Amelia Ohio 45102


If every one gave just a little big things could happen

When you look into their eyes, you see the scars of civil war and the loss of love ones.  BUT THERE IS HOPE.  You see a people who have been forgotten and ignored by their government and in some cases by their fellow man.  BUT THERE IS HOPE.  And when you embrace feel their starvation for human interaction and the deep need for acceptance and self worth. BUT THERE IS HOPE. They are the people of Brisas del Mar, Colombia, precious people...people who are just like us..good parents, hard working people...people who are trusting and loving the Lord.  We are raising money to help support the daily feeding program in Brisas.  100% of your donation with go the the Colombian Methodist Church to feed the children of Brisas del Mar.

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